What’s the Difference Between Trip and Fall and Slip and Fall?

If you’ve fallen at work or on someone else’s premises, it’s important to know the difference between a slip and fall and a trip and fall accident.

Find out the difference between these accidents, causes for each, possible injuries, and ways they can be avoided.

We will also go through what you should do if you are the unfortunate victim of a trip and fall or slip and fall accident.

What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall accident is a type of personal injury where a victim loses traction and falls due to a foreign substance on the ground.

This type of accident usually results in the victim falling backward as their feet slip out from underneath them.

It is also possible for a victim to fall forward, but falling forward occurs more often with a tripping incident.

Causes of Slip and Falls

There are many ways the friction between your feet and the ground can be reduced, causing a slip and fall accident.

Some of these are:

  • Spills/wet floors
  • Environmental conditions such as snow, ice, rain, etc.
  • Foreign objects on the floor, such as papers or food
  • Waxed, polished, or freshly-cleaned floors
  • Loose rugs
  • Unfastened flooring

What is a Trip and Fall Accident?

Trip and Fall Accident

A trip and fall accident is a type of personal injury where someone catches their foot or shoe on an object and falls abruptly forward.

Causes of Trip and Falls

Trip and fall accidents are caused by dangerous conditions where objects are protruding from the ground, or caused by uneven surfaces.

Some conditions that may cause a trip and fall accident are:

  • Broken or jagged surfaces, such as an uneven sidewalk or broken flooring
  • Objects left where they shouldn’t be, such as a pallet in the aisle of a store
  • Cables or extension cords laying around
  • Bunched up or unfastened rugs

Injuries Caused By Trip and Fall and Slip and Fall Accidents

There are many types of injuries that can occur in these types of accidents given the force caused by slipping or tripping and the impact with the ground.

With a slip and fall, there is the possibility of traumatic brain injury or damage to the spinal cord. This is because as you are falling backward, you may be unable to throw your arms out to catch yourself, resulting in a hard impact with the ground

With trip and falls, you are more likely to see sprained or broken wrists as you try to break your fall, or you may also see a shoulder dislocation or broken hip, depending on how you land.

In extreme cases, a fall can also result in death if you trip or fall down stairs or into another dangerous situation.

It’s important to note that the odds of dying in a fall are 1 to 111 and falls are the leading cause of death in individuals 65 and older.

Who is at Fault in a Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall?

Who is at fault in a fall case can be difficult to prove and can vary depending on the location of the fall and the circumstances in which it took place.

The law expects a reasonable person practicing common sense should watch where they are walking, look out for hazardous conditions, and wear proper shoes. But that’s not to say that accidents don’t still happen where someone else is at fault.

Trip and Fall

A property owner has a duty to take certain basic steps to ensure the safety of other people who are on their property. What those steps are may depend on whether you are allowed to be on the property or are a trespasser.

If you are injured on someone else’s property, you and your attorney bear the burden to prove that the property owner was at fault for the accident.

And the property owner’s insurance company and their team of lawyers will try to establish that the property owner was not at fault, or that you were more at fault than the property owner was.

There are also different laws in each state that dictate what amount of fault is taken by each party’s own negligence partly caused the injury.

Dividing fault between the parties based on how much each one is responsible for the injury is known as comparative negligence. In a comparative negligence state, if the victim is found to be 51% or more at fault, they may get nothing.

There are a lot of variables to deal with in cases like this, and a good slip, trip and fall lawyer can help you navigate these situations so that you can obtain the compensation you deserve for your injury.

Slip, Trip, and Fall at Work

In most cases where a slip and fall or trip and fall accident occurs at work, an employee is covered under the state’s workers’ compensation laws. Most states require that employers carry workers’ compensation insurance for situations like this.

Slip and falls are the leading cause of work comp claims, so it’s not uncommon for your fall to happen in a work environment.

Slip and Fall Work Injury

If it does, work comp is in place to help cover your lost wages and medical expenses. It can also help compensate you for any permanent disability that you are left with after an accident.

You won’t have to prove that anyone else was at fault for the accident to receive workers’ compensation, but an employer still may try to deny you benefits that you are owed under the law. That’s why it’s important to contact a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer to help you manage your work-related slip and fall or trip and fall claim.

Slip, Trip, and Fall on Someone Else’s Property

Falling on Someone Else's Property

These types of accidents fall under negligence law, meaning that if a hazard is present that leads to an accident, the premises owner may be considered negligent.

In many cases it is the responsibility of a reasonable property owner to prevent hazardous conditions on their property or post an appropriate warning sign to warn people of the danger.

If you are able to prove that the property owner knew about the hazard and could have remedied the situation or posted a warning sign, then you may have a valid fall claim.

There are also different laws in each state regarding whether a property owner is at fault for failing to remove accumulations of snow, ice, or water from their property to prevent people from slipping or falling.

What You Should Do if a Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall Occurs

  1. Alert Owner and Seek Medical Attention

As with any serious injury, it’s important that you seek medical care as soon as possible.

If you fall at a commercial establishment, it is also important that you alert the owner or manager at the location.

They will likely need to write a report about the incident. Try to obtain a copy of this report if you can.

Failing to report your fall in a timely manner can make you less likely to get compensation, especially if no witnesses are present. Facts about the incident and the seriousness of your injury may be downplayed by the property owner if you don’t report the injury right away.

  1. Contact City of Government if Public Property

If you fall in a public place, try to contact the city or state government as soon as you are able to alert them of the incident.

For instance, if you are injured on a train platform, make sure to let the workers at the train station know what happened so they can make an incident report.

  1. Gather Witness Information and Take Pictures

If there are witnesses present, be sure to get their contact information and a statement if possible.

Take pictures with your phone or camera to show the liquid, substance, or material you slipped on, or the object your tripped on. This will also help to show the surrounding area, weather and lighting conditions, and lack of hazard warning signs.

  1. Don’t Share the Details

Don’t talk about your injury on social media.

This can be devastating to your fall claim if your social post contains evidence that you are less injured than you allege, or you post about facts differently than you did in the report.

  1. Speak With a Personal Injury Attorney

As always, talk with an experienced attorney as they will be able to help you navigate the confusing waters of proving fault in a slip and fall or trip and fall case.

A qualified attorney will help you obtain the necessary evidence to prove you claim.

Preventing Slips and Trips

It is important for businesses and property owners to inspect their premises for potential risks and hazards on a regular basis.

Many risk factors can arise from normal wear and tear and natural occurrences. So diligence on the part of the property owner is an important aspect of preventing accidents.

Warning signs should be placed in an easily viewable location until the hazard is fixed, or be fixed permanently in place for unfixable hazards.

Hazard Warning Signs

Employees can also be trained to identify potential risks. They should be trained on how to fix a hazardous situation, or at least how to properly mark a hazard when one is found.

If you are the one on someone else’s property, there are plenty of steps you can take for your own safety as well.

Make sure you watch where you’re going. If you are staring at a phone while walking, you are more likely to trip, miss warning signs, and ultimately share in the liability for your fall.

Make sure you wear proper shoes that allow traction on most surfaces.

Also, keep a lookout for warning signs placed around hazards.

How Long Will a Slip and Fall Case Take?

Length of Slip and Fall Case

Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer.

In many cases, you may have up to 2 years to file a legal claim for your injury. However, in cases against government entities, you may only have one year.

But how long it will take to get compensation after you find an attorney and decide to pursue a case can vary widely. 

A diligent legal team will work to make sure all witnesses are interviewed and a variety of evidence and records are obtained for your case.

While a good number of cases reach a settlement before they head to court, it is important that every case is prepared as if it will go to court.

Your legal team will likely draw up a demand for settlement to see if the case can be resolved without filing a case in court.

If the defendant refuses to settle, you may need take the case to court. It will take more time to get a court date plus time to resolve the litigation.

A good legal team will work hard for you every step of the way to help resolve things as fast as possible and ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve for your fall claim.

How Much is the Average Slip and Fall Settlement?

It’s difficult to answer what the average settlement is for any type of injury, as circumstances vary widely from case to case.

The true value of your case will depend on the financial losses you incurred from the accident. You may also be entitled to compensation for any permanent disabilities, pain, and suffering you’ve endured as a result of the injury.

Financial losses include medical expenses, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses you’ve had to pay in order to recover and recoup from your injury.

Pain and suffering damages are awarded based on how much harder your life has become while having to deal with your injury. And if you’ve been permanently disabled, you may be owed compensation for being unable function like you did in the past. 

A settlement could be anywhere from a few thousand dollars to up to $2 Million or higher.

It all depends on the situation, the extent of your injuries, and the extent of the negligence of the premises owner.

Learn More About Slip and Fall Accidents

Full Episode Transcript

Hi, everyone, welcome to Legal Squeaks, I’m your host, Dennis VanDerGinst, and today I’m going to talk about something that’s fairly topical, maybe even more so this time of year than, than most of the year.

What I’m referring to is slip and fall accidents. Obviously slip and fall accidents or slip, trip, and fall accidents can happen any time of the year. But we certainly see them occur more during the winter months due to the ice and snow.

So in general terms, a slip and fall accident is a situation, obviously, where a person is injured by slipping or tripping and falling due to a dangerous condition on the premises.

These types of accidents can occur inside or outside. They can be on commercial property or residential property. They can be on public property or private property. A lot of times people just assume that, you know, stuff happens and it was their own fault. And maybe, therefore, nothing can be done as far as holding someone else accountable when a slip or trip and fall results in injuries.

But that’s not the case. In fact, a lot of the time a property owner or the manager of a property or even a third party maintenance service can be liable for causing injuries that result in these types of, of, or result from these types of accidents.

So if that happens, then they’re going to be obligated to compensate for the damages that are related to the, the injuries.

Slip and fall accidents are covered by negligence laws which differ frequently from state to state. Generally, those laws dictate that property owners and managers have a duty of care to ensure that their property is safe.

Now that means different things under different scenarios. First of all, it can mean that they can be liable for damages to people who are injured on their property if the cause of their fall was a defect or obstacle that they intentionally placed. Understand, I’m not saying that they intentionally meant for harm to occur, but for example, maybe we’re talking about a retailer. And the, an employee of the retailer places a low lying sign near the entrance to a store which was intended to alert customers to a new sale. It’s not intended to harm, it’s just to tell them about the sale.

But because of where it’s located, it becomes a tripping hazard and somebody trips, falls, and it causes injury. The owner or the manager of that property can be just as liable to compensate for those injuries as someone who maybe places a tripwire to booby trap their property. And in that case, obviously, they’re intending harm. Now, the intent that’s important here is not whether they intended harm, but it’s whether they intended to place this defect or this hazard in, in a position that could cause harm.

So that’s what, what the the telltale factor is. But the second situation is when a property owner or manager is liable for injuries that occur as a result of a defect that exists on the property that they didn’t necessarily place.

As long as you can show that they knew, or should have known the defect existed and had a reasonable period of time to fix it, but didn’t do anything, then they can be liable.

So, for instance, using a retailer example, again, perhaps a customer comes in. It’s not even an agent of the, of the store. It’s just somebody who comes in. They’re looking at products on the shelf and maybe they spill a liquid detergent, and it, it’s, it’s all over the aisle way. And an agent of the store, an employee, for instance, sees it, walks away and doesn’t do anything. Along comes another customer, slips on this liquid and falls and is injured.

Here again, the agent of that property owner, the employee, knew that there was a defect. He knew that somebody had spilled that detergent but failed to do anything about it. And of course, you have to presume that there’s a reasonable period of time to do so.

If you change that scenario just a little bit and assume that, you know, that that employee left to go get a wet floor sign or to get a mop and then the accident occurs, well, might be a different situation entirely because you have to give them a reasonable period of time in which to address the defect.

So it really depends on the circumstances that are specific to each scenario in order to determine whether there’s going to be liability that will force the property owner to pay compensation.

In some states, there’s also a difference in the duty of property owner or manager has to people on their property, depending upon the reason that they’re there. For instance, where they a trespasser. Were they a guest? Were they a customer or a client. In those states that have that distinction, the duty is going to be less to a trespasser than it is to someone else.

But in most states, they’re doing away with that distinction, and it’s simply a matter of looking at what were the reasonable expectations for safety under the circumstances that were present at that time.

Also, we know, you know, people can slip and trip and fall for reasons that really are not the fault of the property owner. They maybe they weren’t watching where they were going or they are otherwise failing to exercise due care. For instance, maybe they’re walking with, carrying something heavy that’s keeping them off balance.

Because of that, because of the fact that other things can contribute to falls, the law in most states recognizes that fault is not always 100 percent on one party or another.

So states have implemented laws that account for the apportionment of negligence between the parties. This is either known as contributory, comparative, or modified comparative negligence.

So the original strict definition of contributory negligence was that it’s a legal standard barring an injured person from recovering any damages from the defendant if they contributed to the injury in any way. So even if they were only one percent at fault, in strict contributory negligence states, there’d be no recovery.

Well, you can, you can tell that that would be a very unfair result in a lot of situations. You know, in many instances, if a jury, for instance, decided that the fact that you wore a certain type of shoe contributed to the accident. That alone might be enough to keep you from getting a recovery.

Contributory negligence is now sometimes used synonymously with another standard, which is what I referred to as comparative negligence. Comparative negligence means that the recovery for damages is going to be reduced by the injured person’s proportionate share of fault. So if a jury, for instance, decided that 70 percent of the fault was that of the owner of the property, but 30 percent of the fault was the injured party, then the person would still get a recovery, but it would be reduced by 30 percent.

So, for instance, using the scenario of somebody slipping and falling on the liquid in the aisleway, the you know, the detergent, for instance, if a reasonable person concluded that, well, it was, it was the fault of the store, you know, the agents and employees of the store to leave that there for this period of time without cleaning, cleaning it up, without putting a sign down there.

They were mostly at fault. But this person should have been watching where they were going. Maybe they were carrying some groceries and could have been more attentive. And therefore, they’re going to attribute 30 percent of fault to the injured party.

So if the award, for instance, were $100,000, it would be reduced by 30 percent and the injured party would be able to collect $70,000.

Now, other states like Illinois and Iowa actually follow something called modified comparative negligence, which acts the same way, meaning that there’s a reduction of the, of the amount that you can recover based on the proportionate share of fault in causing the accident.

However, if the injured party is over 50 percent at fault, then there’s no recovery. So on the last example I used, if the damages are are $100,000 and the injured person is 30 percent at fault, again, he’d still get 70, he or she would still get $70,000. But if they are determined to be 51% at fault, they get nothing.

Another area that can impact whether or not there’s going to be a financial recovery when there’s a slip and fall is the nature of the defendant. You know, they say you can’t fight city hall. Well, you can. And we do it all the time, but there are a lot of hurdles that you might have to overcome when you are trying to fight city hall.

For instance, there are often governmental immunities that you have to address. Sometimes there’s a distinction between what is considered a discretionary function of government to spend or not spend money, for instance, versus what might be considered a ministerial or maintenance function. And whether the case, or whether the situation is a discretionary function or a ministerial function can determine whether or not there’s going to be immunity that applies to, forbid any kind of recovery against the government.

So, for instance, let’s say the city owns a lot where there are a number of defects that exist. The people who are responsible for making decisions about that lot have determined that there’s going to be, it’s going to cost a lot of money to repair or remove these defects, and they decide we’re not going to do it. It’s just not worth it.

Then somebody comes by and they’re on that lot and they trip and fall and they’re injured. Well, in that instance, immunity may, may apply because they have made a decision as to whether or not to spend money to repair those defects or remove those defects or warn of those defects. And if they’ve made if that is a discretionary function, then perhaps immunity applies and you’re not going to be able to get a recovery.

If, on the other hand, there’s already been a decision, you know, the city council has determined this has to be repaired or cleaned up or whatever, but they fail to, to maintain it after they’ve already decided to spend the money. Now, it’s just a ministerial function that they have to maintain it, they failed to do so. Someone comes along, is injured in the same fashion. Now, maybe there’s no immunity and you can recover.

So, as I said, you know, it’s not always easy to fight city hall, but it can be done.

But as I alluded to at the beginning of this presentation, in the winter, we see a lot of slip and fall accidents related to the weather. Specifically, obviously, ice and snow. The rules I just outlined apply to those cases, too. But some states have specific rules that also address the unique nature of those cases.

So, for instance, in Iowa and in some other states, if a property owner fails to remove ice or snow from their property within a reasonable period of time, and then a person comes along, slips and is injured, the owner might be liable for compensation.

In fact, in Iowa, it goes even further. A property owner must clear a public sidewalk that abuts their property within a reasonable, reasonable period of time, or they can be accountable for injuries under those circumstances as well. So, and what I mean by reasonable period of time is, let’s say it’s snowing, it’s snowing and the snow is is accumulating. Nobody’s expecting anyone to be out there shoveling snow, removing snow constantly as it snows. However, if there is an abatement of the snowing, you have just a reasonable period of time to remove that from the abutting sidewalk and any of your property where you would expect people to be traversing.

And if you don’t, if somebody slips and falls, you can be liable. Now, just across the river in Illinois and in other states, there’s a distinction made, it’s completely different. There’s a distinction made between what’s termed a natural versus an unnatural accumulation of ice or snow.

And what that means is that if someone slips and falls on ice or snow on your sidewalk or your property, you’re not liable if that is just simply a natural accumulation of ice or snow. Very different from what you would see in Iowa, and other states. You’re only going to be liable in the, in states like Illinois if you are liable, or if you created an unnatural accumulation.

So ironically, this can happen, and it has happened. Let’s say that you are an Illinois property owner and it has snowed and it has accumulated and you’re concerned someone’s going to be on your property. They’re going to slip and fall. From a common sense perspective, yeah, you want to remove that. And I hope, you know, nobody misconstrues what I’m saying here and thinks, well, we don’t need to remove that. We shouldn’t remove that because we’re going to expose ourselves to liability.

I get how that you could come to that conclusion, because it is ironic when you undertake to remove snow under those circumstances and you do it in the way most people would. So, for instance, you’re shoveling and you toss it to the side of the sidewalk. Or you’re using a snow blower to maybe clear your, a path or your driveway. Or maybe you have, you’re a business owner and you have a parking lot that needs to be plowed and you’ve piled all that snow off to the side.

You seem to have been the good Samaritan, done what you should have done, done what you would need to do in Iowa, in states like that, but now that pile of snow thaws the next day when it warms up, and now it freezes back in, on that sidewalk or on that driveway or on that parking lot. Now, it has become an unnatural accumulation of ice or snow for which you can be liable.

So that’s the irony. You’ve, you’ve been the Good Samaritan here and done what you thought you should do and you remove that snow, thus changing the character, characterization from natural to unnatural, which now does expose you to liability if somebody comes along and slips and falls on that ice or that snow that you’ve now accumulated.

Other common ways that happens, by the way, let’s say there’s an unnatural, there’s a depression in a sidewalk or on the concrete on your property, which calls causes water to pool, and then it freezes. Well, because the water wouldn’t have normally pooled right there, under those circumstances, that can be considered an unnatural accumulation.

Or let’s say you’ve got a downspout which forces water into an area where people are going to be walking and the water comes out and now it cools down, the water refreezes. That, again, can be an unnatural accumulation for which you’re going to be liable if somebody gets injured. Or maybe the contour of landscaping is forcing water into another area where people are going to be walking and it freezes. Again, it could be an unnatural accumulation which would cause you to be responsible for compensating anyone who’s injured if they slip and fall under those circumstances.

By the way, in Illinois and states that apply, that apply that kind of distinction, that characterization of ice and snow will continue if it’s tracked in from out of doors. So let’s say you’re at a store and you walk through some slush that has accumulated as a result of just a natural accumulation. It was snowing. It started to melt. You’re walking through the parking lot. The water adheres to your shoes. You walk into a store and the water comes with you. You track a bunch of water. The owner doesn’t clean up the water. Next person comes in, slips and falls on that water that came from that snow and slush and whatnot.

Well, because it was a natural accumulation. When you walk through it and tracked it in, it remains a natural accumulation when you come into the store. And arguably, under those circumstances, the owner of that property is not going to be liable for injuries that occur as a result of somebody falling and hurting themselves under those circumstances.

Conversely now, if that happened to be an unnatural accumulation, so, for instance, using the example again of water that has been routed from a downspout into an area that you’re walking in, and under those circumstances, it you’re tracking it in through this unnatural accumulation. Then somebody walks in after you and slips and falls on that water. It’s now an unnatural accumulation for which the owner or manager of that property could be held accountable to compensate for the accident or for the injuries that occur as a result of the accident.

So you can see it gets to be a bit tricky depending on the state and the scenario that surrounds the accident. These types of accidents can obviously result really serious injuries. Anything from sprains, you know, wrists, ankles, fractured wrists and ankles. Shoulder, dislocations, if you happen to fall wrong onto your onto your arm and extend your arm. Broken hips are very common, especially with elderly people who may fall backwards or on the side. Any type of bone fracture.

And then some of the really serious injuries result from people who conk their heads as they fall. Concussions, which may also lead to traumatic brain injuries. So it’s important that you get medical attention. If you’ve suffered from an injury like this, you get medical attention even if you’re not sure if the injuries are serious, because you want to make sure you’re, you’re having everything checked out so that nothing sneaks up on you later that you didn’t anticipate.

Also, since the injured party always has the burden of proving liability and showing that they exercised proper, exercised proper care for their own injuries, if your injuries don’t require immediate emergency attention, do what you can to try to document what happened.

So if it happened at a commercial property, for instance, you know, a store or something like that, try to file an accident report or, you know, some type of incident report. If there’s someone you can report that to. A manager, you know, a store manager or someone like that. Make sure that you’re getting names and contact information for witnesses.

Note the condition of the lighting, and any other defects that might have contributed to your accident. So if it was water or if it was ice or snow, get photos if you can, because obviously in that scenario, if you wait too long, the condition will change. It can change, you know, hour to hour. There might be more accumulation, there might be a melt. And now you’re not going to be able to reflect exactly what the condition was that caused your, your harm.

So if you can get photos and or video as soon as possible and then certainly get proper medical attention as soon as possible as well.

Because of the nuances in the law and the difficulties you might face in presenting a claim, as I’ve kind of described it, it’s always a good idea to have a personal injury lawyer if you’ve suffered injuries in a slip or trip and fall accident.

So I hope that this information was helpful. Of course, I hope you never become a victim of one of these accidents. But if VanDerGinst Law can help, we’d be honored. Be sure to tune in next week when we’ll have more legal and consumer news that may impact your life.

Please be sure to like and subscribe to this podcast and also check out Uncommon Convos to listen to some entertain, entertaining and informative interviews.

Thanks again. Stay safe. And I love you all.

Contact VanDerGinst Law

Being the victim of a slip and fall or trip and fall accident can make life hard.

You have to find ways to pay your medical bills and recover from your injury, all while trying to get compensation to cover these items along with lost wages, pain, and suffering.

At VanDerGinst Law, we are here to listen to your story and offer a free consultation for your injury case.

You need a team of personal injury lawyers on your side that have years of experience with slip and fall cases and know what needs to be done to help you reach the best outcome.

At VanDerGinst Law, all costs are advanced, and you pay us nothing on your injury case unless you win. That means no attorney fees, no retainers, no paying to obtain records, and we don’t get paid unless your case settles or wins in court.

We are here to provide you the legal help you need so you can take the time you need to recover from your injury.

Contact VanDerGinst Law today for a free consultation, or call us at 800-797-5391. We are available 24/7.

The law is tough, being injured is tougher. We’ll make it easier for you.

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The information contained on this website is presented by VanDerGinst Law P.C. It is not intended nor should it be construed as professional legal advice. The information is general in nature about the Firm, the scope of services we offer, and our community outreach, it is not legal advice. Please contact us by phone, email, mail, or via this website for inquiries. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please contact a personal injury attorney for a consultation regarding your situation. This website is not intended to solicit clients outside the State of Iowa and/or the State of Illinois.

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