How to Get Your Illinois State Police Accident Report

illinois accident report

If you are in an accident in Illinois, always remember to get your Illinois State Police accident report.

Your Illinois accident report is an invaluable tool for making claims with the insurance company.

Therefore, if you find yourself filing a lawsuit, an accident report can also serve as evidence.

The Importance of Your Report

Your Illinois State Police accident report is a record of the crash written by the responding police officer. Not only does it help determine who is at fault for the accident, but it also describes the seriousness of the injuries.

If the Illinois State Police respond to your accident, there are a few ways for you to obtain your Illinois accident report. For instance, you can request your accident report by email or mail.


The Illinois State Police make most Illinois accident reports available by email. All you have to do is pay the research fee on the Illinois State Police website, and after that, they will email you the report.

When you order your Illinois State Police accident report, you need the following information:

  • The crash report number;
  • First and last name of driver(s) involved;
  • Date of the crash;
  • Location of the crash; and
  • County in which the crash occurred.

This information makes it easier for the records department to find your report. Keep in mind that the Illinois State Police processes record requests in approximately 10 business days.

Fee Information

Requesting an accident report by email currently costs $5. There is also a service fee of 2.35% or $1, whichever is greater. If you do not want to pay extra service fees for your accident report, you can request it by mail.


To request your Illinois State Police accident report by mail, include all of the information listed in the section above and send it in a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the records unit.

Illinois State Police
Patrol Records Unit
801 South 7th Street, #600-M
Springfield, IL 62703

When ordering your report by mail, you can request a basic traffic crash report or a traffic crash reconstruction report.

For more information about Illinois State Police accident reports, you can call the records unit at 217-785-0614. You can also email the Illinois State Police at

Fee Information

If you order your report by mail, make sure to also include a $5 check or money order in the letter. For ordering a traffic crash reconstruction report, include a $20 check or money order.

Contact an Experienced Illinois Lawyer Today

If you sustain injuries in an auto accident, you should contact a skilled Illinois personal injury lawyer. At VanDerGinst Law, our attorneys are on your side.

We utilize over 30 years of experience to help clients get the compensation they deserve. Our results show that we tirelessly dedicate ourselves to your best interests.

If you have questions about your Illinois State Police accident report or need an attorney you can trust, call us at 800-797-5319 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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